If you already purchase the DFY Installation + Cloud Hosting and want us to install another website, you can use this link :
Then enter code INSTALLVIP on the coupon field.
After a purchase then the next step is basically the same as shown here exclude the cPanel creation: https://downloads.wpthemeplugin.org/access-wptravelsitedfyhosting
NOTE #1: The WP TravelSite installation is actually pretty quick, around 10-15 minutes exclude the waiting time of CNAME/Whitelabel propagation. So you may want to install it yourself because we provide an indepth step-by-step tutorial.
NOTE #2: We do prefer to install the travel site on our Cloud WP Hosting because our server has higher resources limit than most hosting out there (Hostgator, SiteGround, etc). However if you want to use other hosting that's fine as well as long as it has cPanel.