I Got A 'Processing Campaigns' Alert After Adding A Link

After you add a site URL, the system will start processing it within 1-6 hours automatically. When the campaign start processing it will take about 24-48 hours until the system generates all Wiki backlinks to your website.

During those two phases, you will see the "Processing Campaigns" notice on your dashboard.

Campaign report will be automatically created 2-3 days after the backlink campaign is processed. Then you can download the backlink report from the Your Campaigns menu:


What If The Processing Campaigns Notice Still Appears After 48hours?

Most probably our system detects some restricted content on your link (see this article: https://wpthemeplugin.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/900000821786-What-Site-URL-Can-I-Submit-)

But if you believe it's not the case, then please open a support ticket along with site URL that you submit, and we'll have it checked for you.

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